Guaranteed Compliance

You're covered with our All-Inclusive, Worry Free service which Guarantees you will be (and stay in) compliance with state licensing or we pay the fines/penalties!

Our clients asked us for it and now it's the most popular of our Monitored Services. Take License Management to the next level and pay your license renewals fees up-front yearly! Upon subscribing or upgrading any URN in Monitored Services, we'll calculate your next 12 months worth of license renewals and invoice you.

How Much Does it Cost?

  • $897.00/URN yearly for U.S. Bedding & Furniture licenses
  • $337.00/URN yearly for U.S. Stuffed Toy licenses
  • $337.00/URN yearly for Importer licenses

What's the Guarantee?

  • GRS will pay any penalties on late renewals
  • GRS will attempt to rectify any in-store violations directly related to lapsed licenses. If it cannot do so within the state allowed grace period to avoid the violation, GRS will pay the violation!


No more invoice hassles throughout the year! Contact us today for more details or sign up free today to learn how Guaranteed Compliance can provide you with the ultimate peace of mind!

Enroll your URN now!