
Your way to store and access - 24 hours a day, every day - your URN license information in our easy to use interface.

  • No need to stress about where your license information is located.

  • No need to wonder if your licenses are up-to-date.

  • No need to worry if your new person can locate your license data.

  • Easily provde to prospective customers that your license data is up-to-date with a printout.

  • Features auto notification of upcoming license renewals to help you stay compliant.


How Much Does it Cost?

  • $197.00/URN yearly for U.S. Bedding & Furniture licenses
  • $97.00/URN yearly for U.S. Stuffed Toy licenses
  • $97.00/URN yearly for Importer licenses

How it works

GlobalTrak allows you to subscribe a URN and its associated licenses for upload into our system for easy management and organization. The online interface allows you to upload licenses one at a time into a predefined URN table that is created by selecting the types of products produced by that factory when you sign up the URN during subscription. The system allows you to edit each license file and its relevant data (license number, effective date and expiration date) at any time. Once a license is uploaded, or edited, a request comes to GRS for one of our Compliance Specialists to accept the license into the system for display on your URN table. This shouldn't take more than one business day.

Contact us today for more details or sign up free today to learn how GlobalTrak can help you stay organized through GRS!

Enroll your URN now!